Category Archives: Fishing

Drop Shotting With Worm On The Canals Of Manchester City Centre

Perch Worm Dropshot

Drop shotting with worms is always a productive method no matter what time of year or weather conditions What fish can resist a worm dangling in front I had a couple of  hours in Manchester City Centre with my friend Phil – watch the video below to see how we got on. Up soon, a […]

United Utilities Map Of Shame

United Utilities have published their “real time” storm sewage discharge map. Storm overflow map | United Utilities – Better Rivers First thing – its not in real time – there is a delay between events taking place and this map updating – I still have to work out what the average time lag is. Second […]

Hours Of Happiness

Islington Marina FIshing

I’ve been prowling the house like a caged beast these past few months. My local rivers have been bank high and unfishable nearly all winter, the wind and rain has been incessant, and my mojo for fishing in cold, wet, windy horrible conditions non existent. At last there’s been an orange warmth emitting blob in […]

Laying bricks, mixing plaster, swimming with Manta Rays and Whale Sharks, leaving work and setting up my own business again, 2023 what a year !!

Well there’s still a month to go before the end of the year, and I still plan on getting a bit more fishing in before the new year but wow… 2023 has been a year I’ll never forget for all sorts of good and bad reasons. Here’s a recap of my year. The fishing has […]

Fishing Issos Beach Corfu – Summer 2022

Issos Beach Gilthead Bread

After a couple of years visiting Cornwall for our family summer holidays – and having a wash out with some really bad weather last year we decided to hit some guaranteed sun this summer, and washed up in Issos Beach, Corfu. Mrs Fishing Fiend chose the location, and I was happy to fit in (pay) […]