Category Archives: family

Hours Of Happiness

Islington Marina FIshing

I’ve been prowling the house like a caged beast these past few months. My local rivers have been bank high and unfishable nearly all winter, the wind and rain has been incessant, and my mojo for fishing in cold, wet, windy horrible conditions non existent. At last there’s been an orange warmth emitting blob in […]

Holiday Fishing Cornwall

Millendreath Mackerel

A long overdue two week break saw us loading up the car and heading off down the M6 and M5 to Cornwall for a fortnights family holiday in Cornwall. I of course loaded up the car with fishing tackle, inflatable boat and outboard engine before my wife got a chance to fill up boot space […]

New Season Excitement

Getting Fishing Tackle Ready For The Morning

As the coarse fishing season on my local rivers finishes and one chapter closes another trout season opens and a new chapter begins. Fishing Fiend Junior V3 has been showing lots of interest in accompanying Daddy on the river bank this spring. Not that I’ve been encouraging her interest (pink rod, pink reel, pink line, […]

Fishing Fuerteventura (again)

Over the years I’ve had many happy holidays on the Spanish Island of Feurteventura, but have done very little fishing whilst there. The harbours are full of mullet which grow to huge proportions fed on the bread and pellets thrown to them by tourists, and the harbour walls home to a huge variety of brightly […]

Bringing Things Up To Date

Budleigh Garfish

Life sometimes takes over, and I don’t have as much time or inclination to write about my fishing trips as much I used to… that doesn’t mean to say I’m not going fishing anymore… I most certainly am … just in a slightly different manner than I used to before. Most of my fishing over […]

Fishing At Monton Lighthouse

You might think that I’ve been out sea fishing going by the title of this post – but Monton Lighthouse is 30 miles from the sea – located on the banks of the Bridgewater Canal in deepest darkest Salford. I’ve been interested in fishing this bit of the cut for a number of years now […]