United Utilities have published their “real time” storm sewage discharge map.
Storm overflow map | United Utilities – Better Rivers

First thing – its not in real time – there is a delay between events taking place and this map updating – I still have to work out what the average time lag is.
Second thing – they say its a storm discharge map – many of these CSOs start to dump raw toxic sewage into our rivers after only the slightest sprinkle of rain.
Third thing – it appears as though many discharges take place locally – before the local waste water treatment works has reached capacity – indicating the dumping of sewage in our rivers when it could be treated at a treatment works instead – there is just a lack of capacity in the pipe network to get it there – so its easier to dump it in the river.
Fourth thing – Some of these CSO’s are dumping sewage for over 2000 hours per year into our rivers – please remember that there are only 8760 hours in a year – so in some places they are dumping the equivalent of 6 hours a day every day !!
Fifth Thing — United Utilities are saying that they are going to spend £3bn in the near future to reduce sewage dumping in our rivers by 60% — the remain 40% is still an incredibly large amount… and the systems they are spending OUR MONEY on – are never going to result in the cessation of sewage being discharged into the north wests Rivers. Under their proposals for the future – sewage will always take place in our rivers.
United Utilities – for all their money and executive brain power are unable to read the room.
We the public do not want ANY sewage being dumped in our rivers. We pay for our sewage to be treated – and expect that it is.
Here is a link to the sewage dumping map – Storm overflow map | United Utilities – Better Rivers