0 thoughts on “I’m Still Here

  1. Jeff Hatt says:

    Who are you?

    Dike Muddy died long ago, or was taken aloft by aliens, or something. We never heard from him again. Now this Mike Duddy comes on the scene and steals his blog…

    But not his thunder.

    Welcome back Dike. We missed you!

  2. Jeff Hatt says:

    You caught your PB Silver bream within spitting distance of that bridge, and within minutes of the first cast. You probably think of that more than you think of me when you cross over!

  3. Mike Duddy says:


    Next time I do an M6 trip – i will give you a shout
    Then theres that lovely bit of river in Stratford too……… ahhhh so many places to fish when time is short