On The Rocks In Lanzarote

The missus was instant that she needed a weeks winter sun in Lanzarote as an end to a hellish two year period of commuting to Leeds every day. I was insistent that I wasn’t going to sit by a pool for two weeks and that a bit of fishing kit would be included in our measly 15kg Ryanair allowance.

So i packed this lot 🙂 and spent many a happy morning catching pretty tiddlers from off the rocks in the harbour of Puerto Del Carmen whilst swmbo recovered from her Sangria heaven.
I didn’t use any special tactics, just sweetcorn on a size 16 hook, and banded pellets on a size 14 with a constant spray of pellets or corn raining down around the float.

Lots and lots of small pretty fish, a couple of bream to about 12ozs but no bigguns. I was hoping that I might connect with a some of the big mullet, but the closest I came to a decent fish was when i struck into something solid and slow moving, but which bit through my 5lb hooklength after only a couple of seconds.
I got back this morning – brrrrrrrrr what a difference.

manchester fishing Irwell Ribble Trout

0 thoughts on “On The Rocks In Lanzarote

  1. niar says:

    hi Mike,

    Have you fished in the sea.

    It's beautiful fishes you've got. But may I suppose that they cannot be ate ? 😀 🙂

    warmest regards