I rarely reference the angling club that I chair, or the other fishing administration stuff that I get up to, as my blog is my online journal of my actual fishing
I try to keep my virtual fishing activities (or as my wife calls is fishing when I’m not fishing) that I get up to with The Salford Friendly Anglers Society, The Mersey Rivers Trust, The Angling Trust and other organisations that I engage with separate from my Fishing Fiend Blog.
However – for a change I would like to share this important development with you from our fishing club.
The Salford Friendly Anglers Society – have launched The Friendly Anglers Fund – an “in perpetuity fund” where all money donated will be ring fenced – and 50% of the interest generated each year will be spent on angling projects, and the other 50% re-invested into the future growth of the fund.
It is hoped that the fund will grow into something that makes a significant difference to angling in the future for our children and grandchildren. Angling as a sport/hobby/pastime is under constant threat from the likes of the anti-brigade and developing an “in perpetuity fund” can only enhance and strengthen the sport we love.
Anyway – click this link to have a read about The Friendly Anglers Fund” – please support it if you can.