I’ve never had that much success when shore fishing whilst on holiday abroad – and a recent trip to Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands didn’t buck the trend.
Despite visiting this island on a number of occasions over the years, this was the first time I’ve ever taken a fishing rod (and two kids). Somehow in the weeks leading up to our holiday I developed the notion that I might get in some fishing, as Fuerte is famous for a couple of deep water rock marks where its possible to catch amberjack, bonito, barracuda and leer fish from the shore on spinning gear.
I did a bit of research and found that the locals had been doing well using Yozuri Hardcore Minnows – so I went online and splurged a shed load of cash on some of the flashiest lure I’ve ever owned.
An expensive chuck if you get snagged on the rocks at £15 a pop – I won’t be using these on the local canal !
So in addition for finding out which lure work, I also researched the best location – namely the rocks just north of Las Salinas Del Carmen. ( google it ! ).
The only thing I couldn’t plan in advance was the weather (cold and windy), and the tides…….. neither of which were on my side…
Soooo as you can well imagine,,,,the hours and hours of free fishing time that I had dreamed about pre-holiday never materialised. I was “allowed” a couple of hours one day whilst the rest of my family visited a Zoo – and I caught bugger all.
I found the hot-spot location – but at high tide when the mark was being washed with waves and the onshore wind was driving spray over the 3 available fishing spots.
Shorts and tee shirt weren’t really the ideal clothing, and it only took about 15 minutes or so before i was soaked to the skin, and freezing cold from the wind.
The imaginative use of a supermarket bag bought me a bit more fishing time in the spray – but it didnt make that much difference and I was soon seeking a sheltered spot from the wind where I could warm back up in the sun…
And if any one else fancies using the plastic bag trick to keep warm on a wet windy day, please dont do what I did, and put the printed side of the bag against your skin – I had three days of a green dinosaur transferred onto my skin…..duh
So I was in the right spot,,, but didn’t catch……… where did I go wrong
well thats easy
If I ever get the chance to fish this spot again then I will either go at first light or dusk. I will use the heavier sinking minnow at 35g rather than the lighter floating minnow.
The sea drops off to 20m immediately beneath your feet, and from what I was told in Arams Tackle Shop in Caletta De Fuste,,,, you need to give the minnow time to sink, instead of making an immediate retrieve.
I was also told that I was in exactly the right spot, just the wrong state of tide, wrong time of day, and that I was working my lures 15meters above the depth where the locals hook fish….
All great info to know for the next time you or I go fishing there.
Here is a google map showing the exact location of where I fished. If you want to get in touch with the local tackle shop, then heres A LINK (Aram speaks excellent English)
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