Sitting in the office, looking out of my window at the sunshine….2.30pmĀ and the day is beginning to drag,,,, my mind wandering towards dreaming about fishing things
Phone rings,, screen tells me its the wife………I’d better answer it I know whats good for me..
Delight its my 3 year old calling to tell me that he has come home from play group
He then proceeds to deliver that killer blow to my working day
Well what sane fisherman could refuse such a request?
Its only 5 minutes back home, 10 minutes if you include a stop at the shop to buy a loaf of medium sliced fishing magic
By 3pm – we had our 4m whip fully extended, a mini ball of ground bait thrown out and a 0.2g pole rig out. A tiny bit of bread punch on a size 20 hook and we were ready to go.
First time out, the float lasted 10 seconds before the first of dozens of micro minnows took the bait.
Not much of a thrill for me, but great fun for a 3 year old.

I was hoping to catch a few of the small carp which our club has recently stocked in the lake, after about 20 minutes I would have been happy to catch anything that wasn’t a minnow. But alas – our swim was minnow city.
We lasted nearly an hour before it was fed up time. A fish (minnow) a chuck, and a pleasant time in the sun.
Hopefully I will manage to get out on my own soon, but if thats not to be,, then I couldn’t ask for better company than my little pal.