Salmon fishing in Manchester could become a reality by 2015 provided the Secretary Of State for the Environment approves the document below.
Whilst skimming through the latest EA River Basin Management Plans for the North West Region I came across these important lines.
“Mersey Life is an ambitious project that aims to realise the ecological and socio-economic potential of our rivers by bringing together stakeholders and partners, building partnerships and encouraging investment into the restoration of the rivers. One of the aims of Mersey Life is to reduce barriers to fish migration in the River Mersey and its tributaries. For this river basin
management planning cycle the project plans to deliver scoping, design and construction of 10 Fish passes in 6 priority catchments. (Environment Agency, Voluntary sector)
• Mersey Estuary, Irwell, Upper Mersey “””
This sounds like the EA are planning to build some fish passes on the Ship Canal & Irwell.
Am busy polishing my mepps already!
Main document can be read here
Open the main document and the above info can be found on page 20.
Salmon have been running the Mersey since 1999 in ever increasing numbers. However they cant pass through the lock gates on the Ship Canal north of the confluence of the River Mersey – therfore all migratory fish have to run the Mersey up through Stockport rather than continuing up the Ship Canal, through Manchester and into the Irwell system.
As i’ve previously shown in earlier posts, there are some huge weirs on the Irwell which migratory fish would find difficult to negotiate. Hopefully these fish passes will open up the Irwell system to migratory fish.
bill says
Waheey I'm liking the sound of that, still wouldn't eat 'em though if they have been in the Irwell.
Chris the Fish!! says
Does sound promising, however, through all my might, not seen any trace of Salmon in the Mersey around Northenden and Simon's Bridge. Constantly trying the fly around there along with spin and worm, Plenty of Trout and Chub, but not managed any salmon Parr yet! (Usually a guarantee on fly if they are there!)(TealBlack, zulu, bloody butcher)
Mike Duddy says
Wait til mid November and watch the weir at Northended. You will see them then.
Chris the Fish!! says
Will that be above or below the Weir? Are we talking big salmon trying to climb or parr running to the sea? Was just off Simon's Bridge this afternoon, Quite a few rod twitches, and stolen worms, my son caught one, looked like a small trout, got it in to the bank but then it just seemed to swim off the hook and disappear into the murky water…. Had a good giggle about it!