I had a few hours this evening plugging / spinning for Pike. Lucia came with me and this enabled me to work through a much larger array of lures to see what did or didnt work.
Things were looking good when less than 20seconds after getting out of the car we saw two pike, one big lady and her jack escort.
We cast to these fish and Lucia had the large female turn and follow her plug – it swam close enough to the lure that i was sure it was going to take, but changed its mind at the last. I guess it must have weighed at least 15lbs. It then turned and dissappeared into the depths.
We fished the shallower St Louis, St Peter and St Francis quays first watching aggressive small perch chasing the lures that were nearly as big as they were. It will be good fun here with a small mepps with a red tag – these perch certainly are aggressive little fish. Its great fishing watching all the aquatic life swim by so clearly. I cant wait for another tench session one evening as i could see some real crackers feeding in the pondweed.
We then made a circuit of the larger Ontario Basin, which has a minimum depth of about 30ft. Its impossible to see the bottom in this quay but we could still see the lures down to about 10ft depth. We didnt get a touch on the lures despite trying every variety in the box, but it ended up fishless. I saw a couple more pike of a reasonable size in the canal between Ontario and St Peter basin, but by this time Lucia was fed up and i was hungry. I might have a few more hours here in the coming weeks either before work or for an hour or two at lunchtime. Not only is it great quality fishing but the skyline is pretty impressive too.
We spent a nice few hours out together and a curry on the way home rounded off a nice evening out.
manchester fishing Irwell Ribble Trout
phil-k says
Sounds like small spinners could work for those perch, also I have some worms which might add that bit of extra attraction to the spinner.