A Bit Rusty

partridge soft hackle nymph

partridge soft hackle nymph

Its been a while since I opened my fly tying kit box – but pictures of friends fleas on facebook have inspired me to get the string, fur and feathers out again.

Being an avid upstream nympher I absolutely adore shaggy heavy point flies so naturally this is where my evening fumblings were focused.

Partridge hackle, hares ear body, gold tinsel and a size 14 curved hook, 3mm gold bead….. nothing too technical – but I like a bit of flash.


6 thoughts on “A Bit Rusty

    • Anonymous says:

      the curse of cheap hooks – if I ever use these then the barbs will get pinched down
      sadly the words “fish welfare” don’t apply to Ebay

  1. coco says:

    well my species in clude salmon atlantic {salmo salar} sea trout humpbacked salmon (pacific fish) rainbow,brown trout,st,bull trout migrants that live in the etsuary then move up late on the season )october time as a rule) blue,golden and the likes,brookies up to 4lbs,arctic char two types but stocked fish silver gray types,my wish char is ennerdale char as these ar possibly the only chars to leave the lake and spawn in the river liza only opulation maybe europe but defos the uk,then windermere char as they have 3 types southern and northern basins and a deep water form that looks like a salmon thats just spawned (a kelt) grayling,skelly from red tarn,i have a foto,chub,wels cat fish in both rivers and private lakes,channel cat fish,brown or maybe black bullheads,bull head cottus gobio,sticklebacks both types,minnows,gudgeon,ruffe,bleak,tench both green and orange,carp all species including grass carp,eels,3 species of lamprey one was a sea lamprey ive had 3 in 37 yrs whilst salmon fishing all the other ive had undreds when i was a kid,roache and hybrids,bream both common and silver bream two species,nase in spain,along with 3 types of ebro barbel,pumpkinseed from a local pond now filled in whessoe road in darlington once held the uk record,rudd,ide/orfe,goldfish,koi,pike,zander,small mouth black bass (perca americana) bleak,mullet,flounder, i need a vendace from either bassenthwaite in cumbria or maybe derwent water if they in the last one,they are in lock skene as part of a PROJECT TO SAVE BASSNTHWAITE VERNDACE AS IT LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE EXTINCT TEN YRS BACK THEN they showed up so they moved the stock,kielder rezzy is home to ennerdale char as their unique popoulation is dwindleing,sterlets,carpione (stocked) i also need two species of shad under me belt and also smelts maybe from the river cree in scotland thats one hiome out of a possible 3 populations of smelts……..sturgeon in the uk wow that would be summit………..have i missed anything? apart from the imports like bitterling etc

    • coco says:

      oh and river humber salmon from both river swale and ure and ouse all humber rivers the unique thing is that these fish which are a cross between natural stock and fish that stray,20 yrs ago tweed stock waas used to try increase runs but the humber was dead! so later on they used norway stock and now the fish head out of all the rivers down the humber but once they leave and enter the sea they turn right instead of left to head north,now they then head for mainland europe and head for faroes,so the significance of this is that is the last timne any fish took this route was when we were joined to mainland europe what 30k+ yrs ago,the fish head over dogger bank a ancient forest under the north sea and the name dogger is used on the shipping forecast still today,so they head for mainland then faoroes so where the cross the north sea is likel;y to be a mile or so off the bit that actually joined us to europe mainland as salmon use land to migrate when they can hence them being netted of beaches,so the river ure 6th longest river in the uk is noiw booming with salmon from april, time late opening,the fish run into the 40s of lbs so far with bigger being lost its kept hush but trust me on this check the river ure salmon trust website 😉 so humber fish have a built in natural sat nav that can lay dormant for 1,000s of yrs and is some how passed down then when needed or a climatical change takes places it fires up and kicks in sort of switches on hs to be as humber salmon are doing exactly this,they micro tag them and track them.

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