Back In The Saddle

New Brighton Fishing Bass

After lock down I finally got out with a rod in hand last week – Back In The Saddle so to speak.

With kids in tow (I’m furloughed whilst my wife if doing double shifts for the NHS) I took the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone – a long scooter ride along the sea front with the kids, followed by an hour fishing each side of high tide on the sea front at New Brighton, a great way to tire them (and me) out.

I managed to pick up a wrap of black lug from the local tackle shop, and decided to fish a two hook flapper scratching rig set up with small size 2 hooks and 1/3rd of a worm sections,,, hoping to get quantity rather than quality.

I didn’t bother with my full beach caster set up of 14ft rods and big reels – far too heavy for the kids to handle, so I used a 1.75lb test curve barbel rod and a trusty Okuma IBF50 reel loaded with 15lb braid. A two ounce lead saw a 50 yard chuck put me into the slight channel that runs in front and I was happy as I watched my lead and bait sail off into the distance. My first cast in nearly 3 months. No point in fishing two rods — when I have to keep my eye on two kids.

Nothing for an hour and 45 minutes apart from crabbed out baits – then just as I was cursing my luck and thinking a blank was on the cards – my rod tip wrapped round and I struck into a nice lively fish.

As I was with the kids – I let Tommy reel it in, and he wasn’t too keen to handle the fish as he saw the spikes/spines of his little schoolie bass… but little Kate was far braver and got the glory shot with the fish.

New Brighton Fishing Bass
A little school bass

They were very disappointed to see me throw it back in – as they wanted it for their tea – but this fish needed to grow another 4 inches before it was any where near being a keeper.

Nevertheless – general delight all round at our success, especially as anglers to our left and right were packing up without a bite.

I’ve had plenty of bass over the years, nothing spectacularly big but a fish is a fish no matter what size. And it’s a new fish to add to my newly restarted fish species list. My new tally now stands at 3 species !

Am off for another beach session tomorrow at Rossall – target species Stary Smooth Hounds, and anything that swims really.

I’ve got my eye on a bit of freshwater fishing the week after, my local waters have taken a bit of hammer since fishing has been allowed again, and I decided to take my time getting back on local venues.

Fishing Kings Parade New Brighton
Fishing Kings Parade New Brighton

Tight lines to all of you out there, and lets have a great rest of 2020.