A long overdue two week break saw us loading up the car and heading off down the M6 and M5 to Cornwall for a fortnights family holiday in Cornwall. I of course loaded up the car with fishing tackle, inflatable boat and outboard engine before my wife got a chance to fill up boot space […]
Category Archives: Sea Fishing
I’m relatively new to this sea fishing malarkey, and even fresher round the gills when fishing afloat. After weeks and weeks of stable high pressure over the UK the wind has turned westerly and the previously pancake flat sea turned decidedly lumpy. I had a quick trip over to the Fylde coast again, only to […]
Out on the ocean wave — SIB Fishing — well not really, being a bit on the cautious side of things I waited for a nice calm day and there was hardly a wave worth talking about. There was however plenty of fishing and other goings on that are worth talking about. I’ve taken a […]
Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid day sun, and only anglers take their kids with them fishing in it. Ha Ha. Still off work on furlough and in charge of entertainment and education of my two poor kids. So… yesterday looked like a great opportunity to spend some time on the […]
After lock down I finally got out with a rod in hand last week – Back In The Saddle so to speak. With kids in tow (I’m furloughed whilst my wife if doing double shifts for the NHS) I took the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone – a long scooter ride along […]
Blank sessions, missed fish, bloody mindedness, bad weather and bad luck. A bad February rolls on into a poor start to the month of March. The weather cleared for a day so I managed a session fishing the Mersey Estuary in Liverpool. Low tide in the morning saw me fishing the low water mark at […]
Life sometimes takes over, and I don’t have as much time or inclination to write about my fishing trips as much I used to… that doesn’t mean to say I’m not going fishing anymore… I most certainly am … just in a slightly different manner than I used to before. Most of my fishing over […]
I’ve been doing quite a lot of fishing over the last few months, but have been a bit slack with my blogging. The perch fishing on my local lakes has been great so far this autumn, lots and lots of fish but nothing spectacularly big. I few days out with the kids bit bashing on […]