An Anglers Challenge

I recently read the great John Wilson autobiography  “60 Years A Fisherman” – and at the end of his colourful lifes tale he concludes the book with two last pages consisting of a list of fish that he had caught – both fresh and saltwater.

John had managed to catch 217 species of fish from 22 different countries… an amazing feat.

101 from Freshwater and 116 from Saltwater

It got me thinking about my past challenges of trying to catch as many freshwater species as I could in 12 months (my best is 31 for those who are interested).

I’ve never really recorded sea species before, or logged the weird, wonderful and colourful fish I’ve caught on holiday, so haven’t the first clue as to how many species I’ve actually caught in my fishing life time so far.

And another thing – just how many species are out there to catch ?

Other “Bloggers Challenges” I’ve seen, anglers list various types of rainbow trout (tiger, blue, leopard etc) as different species – also carp – (common, leather, mirror, koi etc) where to me – these are just freaks of cross breeding – and should be just classed as a single species… and in coarse angling I can’t see how anyone can claim various cyprinid hybrids as species too eg, roach/bream/rudd etc.

So I’ve decided to start having  bit of fun with a species challenge again. No time limit this time – but I will stick to UK only species – one that are listed by the UK Record Fish Committee. I’ve made a little chart below which I will keep updated and do a little write up on each species as I knock them off the list. I’m going to start recording my holiday fish too on a separate list – just for forms sake.

As it happens – as I am sure you will work your way down the list to see how many of these you have caught – I’ve managed to knock off 59 species in my angling life… how many have you got ? I’ve numbered mine down the list as it goes… I’m resetting to zero – and look forwards to sharing each capture with you in future…

You are welcome to join “The Anglers Challenge” — tight lines !


Freshwater Fish Latin Name Date and Location of Capture
Barbel 1
Bitterling 2
Bleak 3
Bream (Common) 4
Bream (Silver) 5
Brown Goldfish 6
Bullhead 7
Catfish – Wels 8
Carp common/mirror/koi 9
Carp – grass 10
Carp – Crucian 11
Carp – F1 12
Chub 13
Dace 14
Eel 15
Gudgeon 16
Ide/Orfe 17
Minnow 18
Motherless Minnow 19
Perch 20
Pike 21
Pumpkinseed 22
Roach 23
Rudd 24
Ruffe 25
Shad Allis Alosa Alosa
Shad Twaite Alosa Fallax
Spined Loach
Stone Loach 26
Stickleback 3 spined 27
Stickleback 9 spined
Tench 28
Game Species Latin Name Date and Location of Capture
Arctic Char
Grayling 29
Trout – Brown 30
Trout – Rainbow 31
Trout – Sea 32
Salmon 33
Schelly/Powan 34
Freshwater Species 42
Sea Species Latin Name Date and Location of Capture
Almaco Jack Seriola Rivioliana
Angler Fish Lophius Piscatorius
Bass Dicentrarchus Labrax 36
Black Fish Centrolophus Niger
Bluemouth Helicolinus  Dactylopterus
Blue Runner Caranx Crysos
Bogue Boops Boops
Bonito Sarda Sarda
Bream – Black Spondyliosoma Cantharus 37
Bream – Couches Pagrus Pagrus
Bream – Gilthead Sparus Aurata
Bream – Pandora Pagellus Erythrinus 38
Bream – Ray’s Brama Brama
Bream – Red Pagellus Bogaraveo
Bream – White Sea Diplous Sargus
Brill Scophthalmus Rhombus
Bulll Huss Scyliorhinus Stellaris
Catfish Anarhichas Lupus
Coalfish Pollachius Virens
Cod Gadus Morhua 39
Comber Serranus Cabrilla 40
Conger Conger Conger
Dab Limanda Limanda 41
Dogfish – Blackmouth Galeus Melastomus
Dogfish – Lesser Spotted Scyliorhinus Canicula 42
Flounder Pleuronectes Flesus 43
Forkbeard – Greater Phycis Blennoides
Garfish Belone Belone 44
Greater Weever Trachinus Draco
Greater Amberjack Seriola Demerili
Guinian Amberjack Seriola Carpenteri
Gurnard – Grey Eutrigla Gurnardus
Gurnard – Red Aspitrigla Cuculus
Gurnard – Streaked Trigloporus Lastoviza
Gurnard – Yellow or Tub Trigla Lucerna
Haddock Melanogrammus Aeglefinus
Haddock – Norway Sebastes Viviparus
Hake Merluccius Merluccius
Halibut Hippoglossus Hippoglossus
Herring Clupea Harengus
John Dory Zeus Faber
Ling Molva Molva
Lumpsucker Cyclopterus lumpus
Mackerel Scomber Scombrus 45
Mackerel – Spanish/chub Scomber Colias
Megrim Lepidorhombus Whiffiagonis
Monkfish Squatina Squatina
Mullet – Golden Grey Liza Aurata
Mullet – Red Mullus Surmuletus
Mullet – Thick Lipped Grey Chelon Labrosus
Mullet – Thin Lipped Grey Liza Ramada 46
Opah Lampris Guttatus
Pelamid (Bonito) Sarda Sarda
Perch – Dusky Epinephelus marginatus
Plaice Pleuronectes Platessa 47
Pollack Pollachius Pollachius 48
Pouting Trisopterus Luscus 49
Puffer fish Lagocephalus Lagocephalus 50
Ray – Blonde Raja Brachyura
Ray – Bottle Nosed Raja Alba
Ray – Cuckoo Raja Naevus
Ray – Eagle Myliobatis Aquila
Ray – Electric Torpedo Nobiliana
Ray – Marbled Torpedo Marmorata
Ray – Sandy Raja Circularis
Ray – Small Eyed Raja Microocellata
Ray – Spotted Raja Montagui
Ray – Sting Dasyatis Pastinaca
Ray – Thornback Raja Clavata 51
Ray – Undulate Raja Undulata
Rockling – 3 bearded Gaidropsarus Vulgaris
Rockling – Shore Gaidropsarus Mediterraneus 52
Scad – Horse Mackerel Trachurus Trachurus
Sea Scorpion – Short Spined Myoxocephalus Scorpius 53
Shark (Blue) Prionace Glauca
Shark (Mako) Isurus Oxyrhinchus
Shark (Porbeagle) Lamna Nasus
Shark (Six Gilled) Hexanchus Griseus
Shark (Thresher) Alopias Vulpinas
Skate (Common) Raja Batis
Smoothhound (starry) Mustelus Asterias
Smoothhound Mustelus Mustelus
Sole Solea Solea
Sole (Lemon) Microstomus Kitt
Spurdog Squalus Acanthias
Sunfish Mola Mola
Tadpole-Fish Raniceps Raninus
Tope Gaeorhinus Galeus
Tosk Brosme Brosme
Trigger Fish Balistes Capriscus
Tunny Thunnus Thynnus
Tunny (Big Eyed) Thunnus Obesus
Tunny (Long Finned) Thunnus Alalunga
Turbot Scophthalmus Maximus
Whiting Merlangius Merlangus 54
Whiting (Blue) Micromestius Poutassou
Witch Glyptocephalus Cynoglossus
Wrasse (Ballan) Labrus Bergylta 55
Wrasse (Cuckoo) Labrus Mixtus
Wreckfish Polyprion Americanus
Mini Sea Species Latin Name Date & Location of Capture
Anchovy Engraulis Encrasicolus
Argentine Argentina Sphyraena
Barracudina Paralepis Coregonoides
Black Fish (Cornish) Schedophilus Medusophagus
Blenny-Black Faced Triptarygion Delaisi
Blenny (Butterfly) Blennius Ocellaris
Blenny (Tompot) Parablennius Gattorugine 56
Blenny (Viviparous) Zoarces Viviparus
Blenny (Yarrells) Chirolophis Ascanii
Boar Fish Capros Aper
Bream (Axillary) Pagellus  Arcane
Bream (Saddled) Oblada Melanura
Butterfish Pholis Gunnellus
Connemara Clingfish Lepadogaster Candolii
Dab (Long Rough) Hippoglossoides Platessoides
Derbio Trachinotus Ovatus
Dragonet Callionymus Lyra
Garfish (Short Beaked) Belone Svetovidovi
Goby (Black) Gobius Niger
Goby (Common) Pomatoschistus Microps 57
Goby (Giant) Gobius Cobitis
Goby (Leopard Spotted) Thorogobius Ephippiatus
Goby (Sand) Ctenolabrus Rupestris
Goby (Rock) Gobius Paganellus
Pilchard Sardina Pilchardus 58
Pilot Fish Naucrates Ductor
Pipefish (Greater) Syngnathus Acus
Pipefish (Snake) Entelurus Aequoreus
Pogge Agonus Cataphractus
Poor Cod Trisopterus Minutus
Red Band-Fish Cepola Rubescens
Rockling (5 Beard) Ciliata Mustela
Rockling (4 Beard) Enchelyopus Cimbrius
Sandeel (Corbins) Hyperoplus Immaculatus
Sandeel (Greater) Hyperoplus Lanceolatus
Sea Scorpion (Long Spined) Taurulus Bubalis
Shanny Lipophrys Pholis
Skipper Scomberesox Saurus
Smelt Osmerus Eperlanus
Smelt (Sand) Atherina Presbyter
Smelt (Sand Big Scale) Atherina Boyeri
Stickleback (15 Spined) Spinachia Spinachia
Topnot (Common) Zeugopterus Punctatus
Weever (Lesser) Echiichthys Vipera
Wrasse (Baillons) Crenilabrus Bailoni
Wrasse (Corkwing) Crenilabrus Melops 59
Wrasse(Goldsinney) Ctenolabrus Rupestris
Wrasse (Rock Cook) Centrolabrus Exoletus
Wrasse(ScaleRayed) Acantholabrus Palloni
Total Species 190 Fishing Fiend Lifetime 59




Fishing Makes Me Happy

2 thoughts on “An Anglers Challenge

  1. Ian Kell says:

    Hi Mike
    I like it and if it’s ok with you I will pinch your list. I keep a diary of all my fishing and last year managed 67 different species, sea and freshwater so you might just have set me a new challange. I notice on your list you have a few sea species that can be caught around the North west, ie smoothound, small eyed ray etc. If you would like a few pointers of where to get these I’d gladly help or if you would like a session on the Wirral around June time we could have a go for smoothound when they are plentiful around here.
    Good luck with the challenge and tight lines

    • Mike Duddy says:

      Hi Ian — that would be great — I’m very much a “learner” when it comes to sea fishing. I was considering a trip to New Brighton today but the strong winds put me off,,, I chickened out and stayed local – trialing a new pike rig (which gave me 3 runs and no hookups — successfully trialed an unsuccessful rig)

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