There is a pretty good salmon pool on the beat of the Ribble for which i have a season ticket. I have never fished for salmon before, never caught one before and never even seen one caught by someone else. So over the next few weeks i intend to spend a fair amount of time trying to catch my first salmon. I knew i was going to do this at the start of the season so for the first time ever i splashed out on a migratory EA licence.
As i arrived this evening at my chosen spot the weather gods gave me another dose of English summer!!
I spent a couple of enjoyable hours flinging a flying c across the river, but had no takes. The highlight of my evening was seeing a salmon jump directly opposite where i was fishing.
The evenings are now starting to draw in, and i packed up at 7.30 just as the light was starting to fail. I will be back on Thursday morning for a few hours weather permitting. As always its the fishing not the catching – i have a feeling i will be doing a lot of fishing before i do any catching!!
manchester fishing Irwell Ribble Trout
phil-k says
yOU IS CRAZY, Dude.;)
Mike Duddy says
Do you want me to pick you up at 5.30am tomorrow morning for a quick session before work ? Will have you back at the office just after 10am.
I saw your new thread about rainbows on flyfishingforum, there are some great photos up there already!