And so after a gap of 10 months, I decided to squander a few hours this evening on my futile search for a Barbel from the Irwell. I’d virtually given up on the idea of catching one from the Irwell until someone texted me whilst I was away on holiday that they’d taken one at 12lbs.
With renewed ardour I cast my pva bags and halibut pellets into a deep channel near The Cliff, tightened my lines and waited, and waited……….. til it went dark when I packed up and went home.
Nice to know somethings in life don’t change.
manchester fishing Irwell Ribble Trout
phil-k says
I will give the Lake District trip a miss this weekend, Mike. I have other fish on my mind at the moment, ones with whiskers that live in rivers. ; )
Good luck on your quest.
Anonymous says
Good luck with the irwell barbel,i realy hate to say this,but we are part of a highly optomistic group of maybe a few hundred anglers.It has been said "Salford Anglers" once stocked this species?,how many?,where?was the stocking suitable and sustainable and what proof is there?.Illegaly stocked fish i can believe but i believe we are looking for something that is not there.The sad fact is clubs and the EA do not want to invest in improving the stocks and quality of our beutifull river
Mike Duddy says
Dear Anonymous,
There are Barbel in the Irwell. I have friends who have caught them to 12lbs.
Location, location, location.
With regards to clubs and the EA not being interested pls contact me at and hopefully i can give you some good news.