After weeks and weeks of terrible weather it was a pleasure to go fishing and sit in the sunshine. Matt was determined to catch his first ever pike today, and we went to fish the moorland reservoir i have been fishing recently. We were accompanied by Phil, Neil and Big Dave and everyone had pike […]
Author Archives: Mike Duddy
Up at the crack of dawn to get a few hours in before work. I spent another 3 1/2 hours flinging my spinners and flying c around the pool but had no takes or pulls and saw no fish moving. The water levels are slowly dropping now and are now only about 2 feet above […]
There is a pretty good salmon pool on the beat of the Ribble for which i have a season ticket. I have never fished for salmon before, never caught one before and never even seen one caught by someone else. So over the next few weeks i intend to spend a fair amount of time […]
My original intention was to fish on the Ribble this afternoon, but Tony persuaded me to change my plans and to fish on a still water instead. The information we had was that the Ribble was in flood and highly coloured so it was probably a good idea to leave it alone for a few […]
When i was a teenager my father used to take me fishing to the water authority reservoirs of the Piethorn Valley, which are situated on the moors above Oldham. I caught my first fish aged 7 (a brown trout) in one of the upper reservoirs and have spent many happy hours both coarse and game […]
It seems as though every time Lucia chooses a destination for a day out, it involves a visit to a top class fishing venue. Our latest day out led us to Malham Tarn in North Yorkshire, a very difficult water but famous for the size and beauty of its wild brown trout. As we were […]
I have been promising to take James, one of Matthews rugby friends and his dad Paul fishing for trout on their local river for ages now, and the last week of the school holidays was the latest time of the year that this trip could be realisticly done. James and Paul have been to the […]
I revisited the weir pool on the River Mersey that i first visited last friday. This time i chose to fish the riverbank closest to the car park standing on the lip of the weir , rather than the concrete platform on the far bank. The river had only fallen 12 inches over the weekend […]
I spent yesterday afternoon and evening with Tony on the banks of the Ribble. The river was up and our favoured two swims were unfishable. This gave us the opportunity to try out different areas of the beat, and i am very pleased to tell you that we caught fish from every swim we tried. […]
Yesterday evening i had my first ever session on the River Mersey. I haven’t really explored the opportunities that this river has to offer and so far i only know one swim which looks good to fish in. As i only really know the one swim a weirpool and i didnt have time to have […]