As the coarse fishing season on my local rivers finishes and one chapter closes another trout season opens and a new chapter begins. Fishing Fiend Junior V3 has been showing lots of interest in accompanying Daddy on the river bank this spring. Not that I’ve been encouraging her interest (pink rod, pink reel, pink line, […]
Author Archives: Mike Duddy
Blank sessions, missed fish, bloody mindedness, bad weather and bad luck. A bad February rolls on into a poor start to the month of March. The weather cleared for a day so I managed a session fishing the Mersey Estuary in Liverpool. Low tide in the morning saw me fishing the low water mark at […]
I recently read the great John Wilson autobiography “60 Years A Fisherman” – and at the end of his colourful lifes tale he concludes the book with two last pages consisting of a list of fish that he had caught – both fresh and saltwater. John had managed to catch 217 species of fish from 22 […]
Arrgghh – what a month 🙁 I can’t remember a month like it – rivers high, winds strong, tides all wrong, fish hooked and lost – just piss off February 2020 I hope I never experience another month like it. It all started to go wrong at the start of the month when I managed […]
In past years I’ve had a lot of fun trying to catch as many freshwater species as I can in a calendar year. I have a list of 46 freshwater species and I think 2014 was my best year when I knocked 33 of them off the list. As much of my fishing this year […]
I caught some lovely small roach from a local canal recently as I’d promised to “bang out” half a dozen live baits for a pike session later that afternoon with a mate. There hadn’t been a hard frost the night before, but the weather was typical winter Manchester, cold hard and grey. Conditions that a […]
Over the years I’ve had many happy holidays on the Spanish Island of Feurteventura, but have done very little fishing whilst there. The harbours are full of mullet which grow to huge proportions fed on the bread and pellets thrown to them by tourists, and the harbour walls home to a huge variety of brightly […]
Life sometimes takes over, and I don’t have as much time or inclination to write about my fishing trips as much I used to… that doesn’t mean to say I’m not going fishing anymore… I most certainly am … just in a slightly different manner than I used to before. Most of my fishing over […]
I wimped out of fishing today. A slight tinge of boxing day hangover, and pissing down rain persuaded me to have a day indoors. (hence this post – and another to come shortly reviewing my fishing in 2019) Mrs Fishing Fiend has been complaining recently about the smell emanating from my tackle shed so I’ve […]
I rarely reference the angling club that I chair, or the other fishing administration stuff that I get up to, as my blog is my online journal of my actual fishing I try to keep my virtual fishing activities (or as my wife calls is fishing when I’m not fishing) that I get up to […]