Catching lots of fish, or a big fish can certainly make your day – but as we all know its possible to have a great days fishing without catching very much at all.
As you might have already guessed – I didn’t catch much today – but had a great time out doors with a rod in my hand.
I started off trying for an early season tench on the Old River in Irlam where our club has recently stocked 300 new fish about the lb mark.

Using one of my favourite methods of tench fishing bread flake over hemp seed, I couldn’t buy a bite so after a few hours decided to cut my losses and head for a small pond closer to home that’s obscenely overstocked.

The last 2 hours of the day saw me on the small pond behind Sainsburys in Blackley getting a bite a chuck on bread punch from some ravenous roach and rudd. I was getting more false bites from the stotz on my line than on my hookbait – which just shows how much the fish in this venue love hemp seed. Most fish weighed in round about the 1 ounce mark with the odd 6 ouncer to keep me entertained.

I might go back soon with some home cooked hemp to use on the hook, because i cant get the tinned stuff to stay on as its so mushy.
I’m sure that I can get a better stamp of fish than these bread fish by using the seed.
A great day out and the weather was kind……