Despite the recent bad weather I’ve taken every opportunity I can to get out fishing again. My species hunt is progressing quite well, and I’ve been going out on a few sea fishing trips with Phil, and a couple of freshwater trips with the kids has seen me racking up quite a few more species. […]
Category Archives: tench
Life sometimes takes over, and I don’t have as much time or inclination to write about my fishing trips as much I used to… that doesn’t mean to say I’m not going fishing anymore… I most certainly am … just in a slightly different manner than I used to before. Most of my fishing over […]
Its Parklife weekend in North Manchester – a huge weekend long outdoor music festival that people 30 years younger than me find enjoyable. Now that I am a curmudgeonly 50+years old – I just get grumpy at the traffic, the noise and the litter (though the views are not too bad). So – instead of […]