Back On The Bank

After weeks of flu enforced inactivity I finally made it out fishing this afternoon. Sitting in the house looking at the sunshine in the back garden – I just couldnt resist nipping out for an hours lure fishing on the park lake which is only 4 minutes walk from my back door.

Third cast I had a Jack Pike of about a pound, then a couple of casts later on of about 3lbs. I worked my way around the lake casting in likely looking spots, but didnt get any more interest until I reached my starting point where I had another little Jack of about 2lbs.

Good fun on light spinning gear, and funny that all three fish came from 20 square yards of a 5 acre lake. Maybe the silvers were shoaling in this area or maybe the pike are congregating in this area prior to spawning who knows.

As the sun dropped, the cold crept through my layers of clothing and I coughed my way back up the hill to a nice warm kitchen and a brew. It felt good to be back on the bank – my favourite thinking spot.
So roll on 2011 – I’m looking forwards to some great fishing fun.

I’ve not really paid much attention to this lake over the last few years (Drinkwater Park) as its glory days as one of the best tench waters in Greater Manchester are long since over. A mean spirited couple of nettings by a departing angling club have removed most of the best fish and the lake is a shadow of its former self. Rumour has it that a new angling club are looking to take on the lease – which can only be good news (as its a park lake it will have to remain a day ticket water).

manchester fishing Irwell Ribble Trout

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