Author Archives: Mike Duddy

Canoeists Heaven

Its a fact of life that canoeists and anglers often don’t rub along well together. Anglers who pay for the privilege of accessing the riverbanks are regularly disgruntled by the fact that canoeists often flout the law and float down our waterways without a care for who owns or maintains them.Many angling organisations expend huge […]

Hard Going

After a week of hard frosts, i wasn’t overly optimistic about my chances on the Irwell this afternoon. I chose to fish a city centre swim thinking that the roach might have shoaled up in the deeper water. The city centre has produced 60lb bags of roach during the past few winters for those brave […]

Frosty Fishing

As the seasonal clock slowly turns bringing about colder shorter days, catching fish becomes much harder. On the other hand the cold weather can bring about climatic conditions which can make the fishing of secondary importance to the unique changes to the scenery. Except maybe a dewy morning in early June when can a spiders […]


A sharp overnight frost wasn’t going to make fishing easy today. I decided to have a few hours on the Ship Canal in the hope that the fish might be more active in the deeper water. I was wrong.I fished chopped worm and caster using an open end feeder in about 20 feet of water. […]